Depending on age and eligibility criteria, a variety of concessions are available when paying for travel with a Snapper card.
Age 0 to 4 years old: No Snapper card is required. Children 4 years and under can travel with a guardian free of charge.
Age 5 to 16 (inclusive), or until completion of secondary schooling - whichever comes later: Child requires a Green (child) Snapper card. Using this card will charge the cardholder a discounted rate. Full details on what these discounted fares are can be found at Metlink.
Undertaking tertiary study? You'll require a Red (adult) Snapper card and are eligible for a tertiary concession to receive 25% off standard adult fares.
Belong to the Te Hunga Whaikaha Total Mobility Scheme or are a Blind Low Vision NZ client? You're eligible for an accessible concession to receive 50% off standard adult fares.
Community Services Card holder? You'll require a Red (adult) Snapper card and are eligible for a Community Connect concession to receive 50% off standard adult fares.