Snapper is cheaper, faster and easier to manage than cash. You can use your Snapper card to pay for your bus and rail travel in the Greater Wellington Region.
You can head to your nearest Snapper retailer to purchase a Snapper card in-store, or you can buy one from the self-service vending machine at Wellington Airport.
You’ll pay less using a Snapper card than using cash. You can view current fares (set by the Greater Wellington Regional Council) on the Metlink website. Snapper can save you even more money on your travel, with travel passes and concessions.
Find out more about concessions. Found out more about travel passes.
Paying with your Snapper card is the quickest way to travel. Just tag your Snapper card to the appropriate reader. You’ll automatically be charged the right fare when you tag off.
Find out how to board the bus with Snapper. Find out how to board the train with Snapper.
The Snapper Red is the classic Snapper card that will automatically charge you an adult fare unless you choose to apply and load a concession to it.
This card should be used by anyone 16+ and no longer at secondary school. Adult fares will be charged by default, but if you are eligible for a Tertiary, Accessible, or Community Connect concession – then these can be applied for and added to a red Snapper card.
The Snapper Green will charge child fares by default – it is permanently loaded with a child concession which you will never have to apply to renew.
This card should be used by anyone between the ages of 5 and 16 (or 16+ and still at secondary school).